Shake-A-Leg Miami, a nonprofit that uses the marine environment to enhance the health and education of disadvantaged and disabled youth, has partnered with Volta Global to launch Sea Worthy, “a new program designed to assist young adults with autism and other disabilities to develop skills that will enable them to become independent on the water and prepare them for a job.”
As reported by The Street, the program began as part of Shake-A-Leg’s Summer Program, but will be used as a model for other organizations across the world.
The story quotes Marko Dimitrijevic, Chairman of Volta Global, on the partnership and its potential: “Shake-A-Leg Miami is a leader in providing programs to children and young adults with disabilities and we are proud to be a founding partner of the Sea Worthy program they are launching,” he said. “We look forward to working with Shake-A-Leg Miami to help improve the lives of young adults in our community and invite others to join with us in bringing awareness to the importance of the Sea Worthy program.”
For more information, visit the article on The Street, Volta Global, or